ORCA Wrapped

Wrapping up your year in transit.

Step 1: Download

The following will be a lot easier on a computer:

  1. Go to myorca.com
  2. If you haven't already, create an account and link your ORCA card
  3. Once logged into your account, navigate to "My Cards" and find the ORCA card you'd like to wrap
  4. Click "Manage Card" and then select the "Card Activity" tab
  5. Select a Year from the dropdown, then scroll to the bottom of the table and select "Download CSV"

Step 2: Upload

Choose the CSV file that you downloaded in Step 1. Then, choose the year that you want to wrap up

CSV File:


Step 3: Wrap it up!


Built by Moshobo. Not affiliated with ORCA, or any other transit agency

Updated in November 2024

Orca icons created by Nack_Thanakorn - Flaticon